Megan Huntz for Ceri Hoover.


Megan and I met several years ago at Atlanta Apparel, where we were both showing our collections. I immediately gravitated to her designs.

I love the silhouettes of Megan’s dresses, which manage to have that elusive “off-the-body” drape while still being flattering and giving you a waistline. Not only that, but the quality of her construction – which is so important to me – is excellent. She constantly blows me away!

Personally, I'm tired of spending a ton of money on garments that aren't detailed from the inside out. Megan’s work is the antithesis of this: she takes great care with her construction, utilizing details like French seams, which make an enormous difference in quality and longevity of a garment. They also make for a more flattering fit.

I’m proud to say that the same care was given to the limited-edition winter collection we designed in collaboration. At this point in our relationship, Megan knows my aesthetic and my personal style, so working together to choose some of her current styles – dresses, blouses, skirts - to complement my collections was pretty easy. Not to mention fun.

You can shop the Megan Huntz for Ceri Hoover collection in our flagship now.

 - ceri